1. Prepare the baking ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and chocolate. Make sure all materials are ready and set up.
2. In a large bowl, mix the flour and the sugar together. Mix them thoroughly with a stirrer or a manual stirrer. This ensures the uniformity and texture of the cake.
3. In the mixed flour and sugar, add the eggs and milk. Mix them together with a mixer to make the batter even and smooth.
4. Now, it's time to add the chocolate. Cut the chocolate or break it into small pieces with a mixer. Then add the chocolate pieces to the batter and stir gently to ensure the chocolate is evenly distributed in the batter.
5. Next, prepare the silicone mold. Ensure that the mold is clean and oil-free. Use spray sugar or a thin layer of melted butter to ensure the cake is easily removed. Pour in the prepared batter separately until the mold is filled to the appropriate height.
6. Place the silicone mold in the preheated oven. Roake the chocolate cake based on the temperature and time the recipe provides. Due to the better thermal conductivity of silicone molds, the baking time may be slightly shorter than that of traditional molds.
7. When the cake is baked, carefully remove the silicone mold with oven gloves. Place the cake on a rack to cool slightly for a moment.
8. When the cake is completely cooled, gently loosen the mold around the mold with a knife or finger to help remove the cake easily. If desired, the silicone mold can be gently deformed to make the release easier.
9. Transfer the chocolate cake to a nice plate and decorate it with some cocoa powder or chocolate chips.
10. Chocolate cake is ready right now! Enjoy the delicious food and enjoy the masterpieces you created through silicone molds.
By baking chocolate cakes with a silicone mold, you can easily make a delicious and mellow dessert. This process is simple and easy, suitable for different levels of baking lovers reference.
Post time: Sep-05-2023